Thursday, May 10, 2012


I figured I should update anyone who reads this, which is probably just me but oh well. (This way if I go crazy and can't remember things I will know what happened with my couponing!)  Anyway, I have pretty much quit.  I know, I know I shouldn't be a quitter but couponing was taking over my life, and I was barely getting anything to show for it.  I am guessing the stores have caught on to the ways of the crazy couponer because ever since about december I haven't been able to find anything free.  It was kinda fun for a little and it was cool to get some free toothbrushes and toothpaste (which is pretty much all I could figure out how to get free), but spending 10 plus hours a week, cutting and sorting my coups, was so not worth saving 2 dollars on a toothbrush, that I don't even need for a few months.  Anyway, I still get some coupons but I don't really cut them out anymore though I do look through them to see if there is any for things that we will buy or toothbrushes, (I think I have a bit of an addiction to getting them).  As far as this blog goes, I think this will be my last post.  I might get a second wind and go all out again but most likely this is it.  Over and out!